Mastering On-Time Delivery Is an Achievable Goal
We are changing the game in solving the persistent problem of missed due dates in high-mix manufacturing so you can deliver in less time, on-time, all the time.
What Our Clients Say
“ We fought with on-time delivery for most of last year. Now we’re exactly where we want to be, operating much more efficiently and consistently getting jobs out the door on time.”
– Derek Segura, Project Manager
“ We can now see our most critical work (based on the risk of being late) and react to it. Having that visibility into our production process gives us total confidence that we are focusing on the correct work and progressing our way out of the endless cycle of hot jobs.”
– Kyle Isker, General Manager

Our Process: Dynamic Production Method (DPM)
These 3 DPM principles turn due dates into promises you can keep.
- Pragmatic Planning – Anticipate variability and incorporate realistic, flexible time protection for when “stuff happens.”
- Proper Pacing – Control material entering WIP, starting each job at just the right time to avoid traffic jams.
- Predictive Prioritization – Know what to work on next and prioritize actions based on the actual risk of being late.

Our Platform: Protected Flow Manufacturing (PFM)
PFM™ answers the questions that are critical for On Time Delivery.
- What should I work on now and what do I work on next?
- Do I have the materials I need, or can I see when they will arrive?
- Can I tell my customers with confidence when their order will arrive???
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