Our clients gain a profound competitive advantage by achieving on-time-delivery 90-100% of the time without requiring added capacity or heroic efforts.
Learn how SolidFLOW rapidly and dramatically improves manufacturing flow through these 3 Performance Principles:
Anticipate variability for when “stuff happens.” Build in a protective buffer on every job to provide flexibility and protect the ability to deliver on due date promises.
Control material entering WIP. Define the “just right” time to start each job to avoid creating traffic jams. Our clients typically reduce WIP 20-30% or more in the first 6-8 weeks.
Know what to work on next. Act based on the actual risk of being late rather than working on the job with the earliest due date. Our proprietary Threat Level analytics provide real-time prioritization for each job and predict more accurate completion dates across all jobs.
Download the datasheet today. With SolidFLOW: Parts Flow Out and Money Flows In!